What's Epigrades?

Epigrades is a tool for Epitech students (in MSc-Pro) that allows them to retrieve all the necessary information for their academic journey in less than 2 minutes! The application gathers upcoming events and projects, completed projects, as well as the corresponding grades and notes. All of this is made available to the student on a clean and confidential page. This is an open-source project, and the code is available on GitHub. You can access to the preview of the application here (it's my report).

I created this application because I was tired of the Epitech intranet, which is slow and not user-friendly. This application use puppeteer to scrape the intranet and retrieve a lot of informations. I also use the Epitech API to be sure the provided credentials are correct. I can't use Microsoft OAuth because the scrapper need to login on a clean browser (without any cookies).


Note that I do not store any of your data. I only use it to authenticate you on the Epitech intranet.

Why use Epigrades?

The application is designed to be as fast as possible. The user experience is optimized to be as smooth as possible. The user can access all the necessary information in less than 2 minutes guaranteed. For example, by running the application every day you will have access to your upcoming events or courses and you will be able to prepare for them.

Easy to use


Fast and clean



How to use it?

Epigrades is designed to be as simple as possible. You only need to make 2 steps and we will do the rest for you. Go to the online page and follow the instructions.




If your account is already linked to a report, you will be asked to access to it or create a new one.


Confirm 2FA


Epigrades supports 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) with the Microsoft Authenticator app or by SMS. Depending on your account settings.

Once you have completed these steps, a modal will appear with a button to access to your report. Your report will be anonymized by a token. You can share this token with anyone you want to give access to your report.



You can access to your report at any time by saving the url or by sign-in again.

In the case you run the application with already a report, the token will be the same. So you can share it with anyone you want to give access to your maintained report.

What does Epigrades offer?

Epigrades has a lot of features to offer to provide a better experience for the student and to help him in his academic journey. Here are some of the features:




GPA and credits are not available yet. Because of the slowness of Epitech...


Upcoming events

Incoming courses



The application also offers the possibility to export your report in PDF format. This feature is available in the top of the report page.

PDF Export



When multiple semesters are available, the export is a zip file with a PDF for each semester.


Course details